Admission to years following the first for limited access Degree Programs, without the obligation to take the entrance test, can only take place within the limit of places made available following renunciations and transfers of students already enrolled in the various years of the course, in relation to the places previously outlined in the annual planning.
The procedure, terms and requirements for participating in the selection, as well as, for the winners, the procedure and terms for enrolment, are established by the individual announcements published below (the linked pages are in Italian).
Health Sciences
Primary teacher education
Biotechnology and Biological sciences
Architecture and building engineering
Veterinary medicine
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology
Foreign languages and literatures
Bachelor's degree programs in the Veterinary Area
Bachelor's degree programs (classe L-8) - Department of information Engineering (DII)
Bachelor's Degree programs - Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering for the Industrial Design
Tourism sciences
For all and complete details, please see the italian page available here.