Economy of Scale vs. Multiples: Bottom-Up Cost Estimation of Nuclear Reactors
Koroush Shirvan per i "Past-students and Expert Webinars in Nuclear Energy"
Venerdì 26 aprile, alle ore 15.00, Koroush Shirvan (MIT, USA) terrà il seminario online dal titolo "Economy of Scale vs. Multiples: Bottom-Up Cost Estimation of Nuclear Reactors".
L'incontro fa parte del ciclo 2023-24 "Past-students and Expert Webinars in Nuclear Energy", un programma di webinar sull'energia nucleare tenuti da ex-studenti unipi ed esperti internazionali.
Il ciclo è organizzato nell'ambito del progetto ENEN2plus, dell'European Nuclear Education Network.
I webinar si tengono il venerdì pomeriggio.
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Pr. Koroush Shirvan is a professor of nuclear science and engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the current Co-Director of Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives by National Academy for Nuclear Training, Director of Accident Tolerant Fuel Integrated Research Project (IRP) and PI of MIT ARC-20 project as part of the Advanced Demonstration Reactor Program. His research focuses on innovations in reactor design and fuel engineering.
In 2021, Prof. Shirvan released the first open-source tool for cost estimation of existing and advanced nuclear architectures. The tool and its insights are currently utilized by policy makers and energy community worldwide. He is an active consultant to the nuclear industry on matters of digital engineering, cost, safety, use of AI/ML, and fuel technology.
Pr. Shirvan received his PhD from MIT in 2012. He has been the lead supervisor of over 50 graduate thesis and current is supervising 17 graduate students. His work on fuels has led into multiple awards including the Reactor Technology Award from American Nuclear Society in 2022.