The future jurist. A man of culture or a technocrat?
Seminario internazionale
Giovedì 25 maggio, alle ore 9.00, presso l'Aula 4 del Palazzo "La Sapienza", avrà luogo il seminario internazionale dal titolo "The future jurist. A man of culture or a technocrat?".
La partecipazione all’evento è libera e gratuita
Si tratta di un evento che si inserisce in un programma seminariale di lungo corso, in cui gli studenti delle università aderenti (Pisa, Augsburg, Varsavia SWPS, Poznań e Salonicco) dialogano sui 'grandi problemi' che investono il mondo del diritto.
Il tema dell’edizione di quest’anno è la figura del giurista del futuro nella crescente tensione tra due poli: il valore tradizionale della cultura nelle scienze umane e sociali, da un lato, e le spinte innovatrici verso una sempre maggior specializzazione del settore giuridico in senso tecnocratico, dall'altro.
Dati l’ampio respiro e l’attualità del tema i lavori del seminario, in lingua inglese, sono aperti alla partecipazione del pubblico.
Prof. Riccardo Zucchi, Address Rector of the University
Prof. Francesco Dal Canto, Head of the Law Faculty
Opening sessione
Prof. Aldo Petrucci, University of Pisa
Prof. Christoph Becker, University of Augsburg
Prof. Wojciech Dajczack, University of Poznań
Prof. Bronislaw Sitek, SWPS University of Warsaw
Prof. Constantinos Vlahos, University of Thessaloniki
Session I
Prof. Federico Procchi, University of Pisa
Do Algorithms Dream of Predictive Law?
Marco Manna, University of Pisa
Being a jurist in the third millennium: a choice between technocracy and humanism
Chiara Nasi, University of Pisa
The Jurist of the Future: Support for the Thesis of a Man of Culture
Manuel Patta, University of Pisa
Coffee Break
Session II
Prof. Christoph Becker, University of Augsburg
Juridical Qualification in Germany in Early Modernity
Nathalie Grandel, University of Augsburg
Bavarian Juridical State Examinations in Three Centuries
Kim Schreiner, University of Augsburg
Session III
Prof. Woiciech Dajczak, University of Poznań
A Future Jurist: a Man of Culture or Technocrat?
Zuzanna Kruszewska, University of Poznań
The Lawyer of the Future: Does he Have to Be a Renaissance Man?
Szymon Juliusz Nowak, University of Poznań
Lunch Break
Session IV
Dr. Michele PEDONE, University of Pisa
The Sacrality of the Jurist in the Making of his Self-Image in Classical Rome and Above
Prof. Constantinos Vlahos, University of Thessaloniki
The Constantly Challenged Role of the Jurist In the Technologically Advanced Age: Between Online Courtroom and Artificial Intelligence
Ilias Antoniou, University of Thessaloniki
Session V
Prof. Slawomir Kursa, SWPS University of Warsaw
From Paragraph 11 to Artificial Intelligence. The Changing Paths of Lawyers' Education
Prof. Łukasz Majewski, SWPS University of Warsaw
Justinian's Reform of Legal Education. Theory or Practice?
Hubert Grodzki, SWPS University of Warsaw
Education and Practice of an Attorney at Law in Poland Compared to United States
Maciej Sowinski, SWPS University of Warsaw
Closing session
Prof. Constantinos Vlahous, University of Thessaloniki
Prof. Bronislaw Sitek, SWPS University of Warsaw
Prof. Wojciech Dajczak, University of Poznań
Prof. Christoph Becker, University of Augsburg
Prof. Aldo Petrucci, University of Pisa