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Converging Skills Preview

Anteprima del convegno internazionale

data 12 Giugno 2023 09:00  |  luogo Palazzo "La Sapienza" Via Curtatone e Montanara, 15, 56126 Pisa PI, Italia
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Lunedì 12 giugno, alle ore 9.00, presso il Palazzo "La Sapienza", avrà luogo l'anteprima del convegno dal titolo "Converging Skills", che si terrà da lunedì 26 a giovedì 29 giugno.

Per la partecipazione al convegno è obbligatoria la registrazione entro e non oltre la data del 6 giugno 2023 (o fino a esaurimento posti disponibili). Registrati

La preview

This is a preview of what we will discuss in the main event. Innovation and translational programs of top universities, our national system of technology transfer from the perspective of universities and companies, investors. The take home message will be how all the components of a successful ecosystem should interact to maximize reciprocal benefits.

Leggi il programma completo della giornata

Il convegno

The convergence of disciplines and technologies, the relationship between research and industries, the early collaboration between start-up companies and investors, cooperation between companies instead of competition are evident trends of social, cultural and economic growth. The event explores best practices world-wide in the above principles and delineates a road-map and a strategic vision to create a successful ecosystem of researchers, entrepreneurs and investors that believe in these principles and are willing to make a changes in current practices. The organizers have invited people from academic institutions and industries, investors, policy makers to seat together, share knowledge and experience and shaping a vision of the future.

Vedi il sito del convegno



Info e Contatti:
Corrado Priami

2023-06-12 09:00:00
2023-06-12 17:30:00

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