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Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Society

Master Secondo Livello



Durata: annuale
Crediti: 70
Scadenza domanda di ammissione: presentazione domande ammissione dal 20/07/2024 al 18/10/2024
Data Inizio: 20/11/2024
Link sito web:

Obiettivi del Master

The master is aimed at training "data scientists", professionals with a mix of multidisciplinary skills to extract knowledge from Big Data and to manage Artificial Intelligence systems to support decision-making. Data scientists also manage the ethical and legal implications of data science. The training of data scientists therefore requires the integration of technological, analytical, narrative and ethical skills, as well as knowledge from different disciplines: data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data visualization, networks science, ethics, data journalism. It is also essential to stimulate students to the creative use of data sources, leaving plenty of room for training in concrete projects. The master, at its 10th edition, has been the first in Italy of its kind, the only one open to students with every background, and has a broad board of partner companies and institutions. Students evaluate the quality of each course by questionnaires.

Sbocchi professionali

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence can help in solving the problems of society and the economy. However, turning the oceans of messy data into knowledge is a difficult task and the number of skilled professionals able to meet the challenge is absolutely insufficient. All observers agree that the abundance of data coexists with profound shortage of data scientists, a professional that combines "the skills of computer, statistical and narrator to extract the nuggets of gold hidden under mountains of data"; the job that The Economist defines "the sexiest job of the 21st century". The data scientists is one of the most required professionals; in the last years different official reports highlight shortage of skilled analysts of Big Data, experts in Artificial Intelligence and managers able to use the results of the analysis to take effective. 80% of students of the previous editions of the master work in the context of big data, data science and artificial intelligence.


Modal. Elearning: 4500 euro cosi suddivisi: prima rata 1800 scadenza 07/11/2024 - seconda rata 900 scadenza 15/01/2025 - terza rata 900 scadenza 15/02/2025 - quarta rata 900 scadenza 15/06/2025

Posti disponibili

posti disponibili da 12 fino a 40
sono ammessi al massimo 20 uditori

Requisiti di ammissione 

lauree magistrali


lauree specialistiche


lauree vecchio ordinamento





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