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Master's Degree Programmes

Important dates: enrolment for 2024-2025 a.ystarts on the 24 July 2024 until the 31 December 2024.

Registration is not allowed after 31 December 2024.

Ammissionelm is the Portal for the enrolment to Master's degree programmes

The admission depends on specific academic requirements. For further information on the requirements, please visit the webpage Admission to Second Cycle Degree Programmes webpages and Degree programmes. If you need a preliminary assessment of your current qualification, please email the President of the selected Degree Programme.

EU citizens - or non-EU citizens with a regular Residency permit - choosing to enroll in a Master's Degree Programme at the University of Pisa, are required to:

1. Register on the Alice Portal, entering your personal data to create your personal profile and receive your access credentials. Do not continue in the section “Choose your degree Program” because the Second cycle degree Programs are not listed on the Alice Portal. After registration go directly to the Ammissionelm portal (point n°2).

2. Enroll on line for academic year 2024/2025 to the Ammissionelm Portal.

Once registered on the Alice portal you can log in with your credentials and upload in the appropriate sections the following documents:
- a personal passport-sized photo
- a valid ID

For enrollment please UPLOAD on Ammissionelm Portal the following documents:

  • Bachelor’s Degree Diploma
  • Declaration of value (DV), issued by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in their home country, along with the official translation into Italian of the diploma, legalised (or with an "apostille") and validated, OR, the Statement of Comparability produced by CIMEA (, OR the Diploma Supplement
In Italy, the Enic-Naric official Centre is Cimea, at the following link: It is possible to request the Enic-Naric certificate (the one called "Statement of comparability") through the platform DIPLOME reserved to students who intend to enroll to a degree in the University of Pisa. Students have to create a personal account, they will then find in their personal profile all the information about the modalities to request Certificates and about all the documents to submit. It will be possible to follow the status of the requests and to find the certification in pdf format in the section “My services”.".
  • The University transcript of Records with a list of all the exams completed abroad, and its official translation* into Italian language
  • Courses description on University letterhead or University sealed paper (original version and official translation into Italian*)
    * ONLY for Degrees held in Italian

Once the administrative checks have been passed, your application will be evaluated by the degree program council. Once the board has deliberated on admission to the course, you will receive a notification via email and on the Ammissionelm portal with the result of the assessment and, if admitted, information on the completion of enrollment.

In order to formalize enrollment, all the required documents must be uploaded to the Alice and Ammissionelm portal (as described above). To formalize enrollment it will be necessary either to pay the first installment of university fees (which will appear on the Alice portal following admission to the degree course)** or the receipt of the scholarship application submitted to the DSU.

* Please, contact the President of the selected Degree Programme to assess if the Italian translation is required.

More details on DSU Scholarships (Diritto allo Studio Universitario - Regional support to Higher Education) at  

Please note: all information on the DSU call for a.y. 2024/2025 will be available as soon as possible.

The rules regarding student contributions for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 will be shortly available on the relevant webpage.


If choosing to apply for a Master's Degree Programme held in English, we recommend to visit the dedicated webpage for details about procedures, deadlines and academic requirements for admission. 

For the application to a Master's Degree Programme held in English, the candidates are required to access the dedicated Portal

For the academic year 2024/2025, the WIS! Office’s services are available online and in presence, only by appointment via electronic agendafrom 18 July 2024 to 28 February 2025

From 18 July 2024 to 28 February 2025, students holding a foreign qualification can call +39 338 4706070 (Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 10 am to 12 noon) to contact a WIS! Office operator.


Info and contact details

International Office
Piazza Torricelli 4 I-56126 Pisa
Tel. +39 338 4706070
E-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 
E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.  


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