Gender and Populism in Europe and Beyond

International Workshop della Jean Monnet Chair "European Women's Law and Gender" (EUWONDER)

data 12 Ottobre 2023 09:30  |  luogo Palazzo "La Sapienza" Via Curtatone e Montanara, 15, 56126 Pisa PI, Italia
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elan logoGiovedì 12 ottobre e venerdì 12 ottobre, presso l'Aula Magna del Palazzo "La Sapienza" di Pisa, avrà luogo il workshop internazionale dal titolo "Gender and Populism in Europe and Beyond", in Pisa (Italy), nella cornice della Jean Monnet Chair "European Women’s Law & Gender (EUWONDER)", diretta dalla professoressa Elettra Stradella.


Giovedì 12

9.30– 13.30

About JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME, European Commission
About EUWONDER: Introduction and opening, Elettra Stradella

Keynote Speech, Ruth Rubio Marín, Constitutional Strategies to Counter the Disestablishment of the Gender Order

Chair: Angioletta Sperti

G. Martinico
In the Mind of the Illiberal: Human rights as a Dispositif of Depoliticization

G. de Búrca
The Reshaping of Human Rights by the Illiberal Right

F. Tarragoni
Vera Figner, Mary E. Lease and Eva Peron: three female visions of historical populism

S. Suteu
The anti- gender constitutional playbook

V. Federico
Regulating Migration at the Time of Populism. Women as battleground in European populist migration legal framework

S. Penasa
Science and/ against populism: legal narratives on gender in medicine and scientific research


Panel I, Populism, constitutional degradation, and gender-based representation

Chair: M. Malagodi

Gender backsliding as a de-democratisation process: The examples of Hungary and Poland

Gender, rule of law and institutions in North Macedonia

Rainbow capitalism vs Authoritarian populism

Shaping gender in India: Legal navigation through the prism of women’s rights

Gender – a divider or a unifier for the Bulgarian left-wing and right-wing populism?

Care, democracy, constitution

Venerdì 13


Panel II, Populism, gender degradation, and reproductive rights

Chair: S. Osella

S.Di Giovanni
The right to gender health: A gender-sensitive analysis of article 32 of the Italian Constitution

Paternalism, patriarchy, and the fear of female reproductive self-determination

Women’s right to abortion after rape in Turkish law

Italian populism and its unresolved relationship with abortion rights. A constitutional viewpoint

Sexual and reproductive rights. Challenges and opportunities

The ‘surrogate body’ between Italian law proposals and the European discourse


Panel III, Populism, challenges to the rule of law, and gender-based violence

Chair: F. Martines – N. Rueda

Democratic freedoms and religious-based violence: The case of Jerusalem's parades

L.Bargellini, G.Pane
Reversing gender degradation by protecting the environment: A critical appraisal of environmental constitutionalismin Latin America

Gender-based violence against women and transgender people: Hegemonic masculinity and far-right populism

Secondary Victimization of Sexual Assault Victims by The Health Care System and Failure of Collecting Forensic Evidence

S.Tierno Barrios
Gender, feminism and restorative justice in a globalised and capitalist world: Challenges of law as an instrument of subversion of the narratives of domination in Spain


Info e Contatti:
Prof. Elettra Stradella


2023-10-12 09:30:30
2023-10-12 18:00:30

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