Experimental boiling heat transfer reasearch: accomplishments, open questions and future directions

Matteo Bucci for "Past-students and Expert Webinars in Nuclear Engineering"

data 27 Maggio 2022 15:00  |  luogo Online L'evento si tiene in rete, consulta la pagina dell'evento
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buccilargoIl 27 maggio alle ore 15, Matteo Bucci (MIT, USA), tiene il seminario "Experimental boiling heat transfer reasearch: accomplishments, open questions and future directions".

L'incontro fa parte del ciclo "Past-students and Expert Webinars in Nuclear Engineering".
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Dr. Matteo Bucci is Associate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT. He has joined the MIT faculty in 2016, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in nuclear reactor engineering and design, and two-phase heat transfer.  His thermal-hydraulics group at MIT focuses on two major research axes related to nuclear reactor safety and design: (1) New understanding of heat transfer mechanisms in nuclear reactors, (2) Engineered surfaces and coatings to enhance two-phase heat transfer. His group also develops and uses advanced diagnostics, such as high-speed infrared thermometry, and post-processing algorithms to perform unique heat transfer experiments. Matteo has published over 40 articles in the areas of two-phase flow and heat transfer, and surface engineering technology. For his research work and his teaching, he won several awards, among which the MIT Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Excellence in Teaching (2020), ANS/PAI Outstanding Faculty Award (2018), the UIT-Fluent Award (2006), the European Nuclear Education Network Award (2010), and the 2012 ANS Thermal-Hydraulics Division Best Paper Award (2012). Matteo is Editor of Applied Thermal Engineering and a consultant for the nuclear industry.


Info e Contatti:
walter.ambrosini@unipi.it http://nucleare.ing.unipi.it/it/webinars-2021-2022


2022-05-27 15:00:00
2022-05-27 17:00:00

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