UPDATES in Surgery celebrates 20 years of Robotic Surgery in Clinical Research

International meeting - University of Pisa/SIC (Italian Society of Surgery)

data 02 Luglio 2021 - 03 Luglio 2021  |  luogo Auditorium Opera Primaziale Piazza Arcivescovado 1
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Il 2 e il 3 luglio presso l'Auditorium Opera Primaziale, si terrà in inglese l'International Meeting organizzato dall'Università di Pisa e dalla SIC (Società Italiana Di Chirurgia) dal titolo "UPDATES in Surgery celebrates 20 years of Robotic Surgery in Clinical Research" - A Synergy for a Better Healthcare in Italy.

Evento ECM: nr. 322914 – 8 ore formative – 8 crediti

Il convegno si terrà sia in presenza che in live streaming. Il numero massimo ammesso di partecipanti in presenza è di 100.

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The break-in of the Robot (da Vinci) in the surgical scenario has revolutionized the way of intending our role as surgeons. It has been of undoubted benefit to patients

And, in some cases, had enabled us to extend surgical limits. However, it has also obliged surgeons to meditate on costs, allocation and the importance of surgical learning curve.

Tuscany with its beautiful cities, Pisa, Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto and Firenze has been the lantern spreading robotic surgery throughout Italy and, in some cases, beyond the borders.

The University of Pisa and UPDATES in Surgery, the official journal of the Italian Society of Surgery, want to celebrate twenty years after the da Vinci Robot through a dedicated issue to Abdominal Robotic Surgery. Many eminent surgeons in the world have been invited to make a point on the results, the trends, the habits in the surgical field thanks to this important acquisition in the evolution of patient care.

Prof. Ugo Boggi and UPDATES in Surgery are honored to invite the surgical community to participate, either in presence or via web, to this international meeting under the tower of Pisa, one of the most astonishing achievements of human genius.

Ugo Boggi - Fulvio Calise


Info e Contatti:

2021-07-02 18:00:00
2021-07-03 18:00:00

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