High Energy Physics Experimental Computing and the role of Quantum Computing

Seminario con Tommaso Boccali per il ciclo Quantum Computing & Technologies

data 08 Marzo 2021 17:00  |  luogo Online L'evento si tiene in rete, consulta la pagina dell'evento
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Bloch_Sphere2.pngLunedì 8 marzo alle ore 17 avranno luogo il webinar dal titolo "High Energy Physics Experimental Computing and the role of Quantum Computing" del ciclo Quantum Computing & Technologies. Relatore sarà Tommaso Boccali.

Partecipa al webinar.


Experimental High Energy Physics (HEP) is historically one of the most computing resource hungry scientific fields, with the need to process, store and analyze amounts of data comparable with the largest commercial and social sources. In this seminar, an overview of the current and projected needs is presented, with an explanation of the most demanding tasks. For these, the current efforts for the utilization of Quantum Computing are shown, with projections to further use cases and algorithms.
Finally, an overview of the HEP community efforts towards QC is presented.




Info e Contatti:
massimo.delia@unipi.it https://quantum.unipi.it/

2021-03-08 17:00:00
2021-03-08 19:30:00

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