Digital Platforms: Case Study: Borsino Rifiuti, a platform for waste reuse in the circular economy

Webinar del ciclo Smart Italy! Città Sostenibili dopo il COVID-19

data 03 Novembre 2020 18:00  |  luogo Online L'evento si tiene in rete, consulta la pagina dell'evento
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Senzanome_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy_copy.jpgIl 3 novembre, dalle ore 18 alle ore 20, avrà luogo il webinar "Digital Platforms: Case Study: Borsino Rifiuti, a platform for waste reuse in the circular economy".

Recent trends in digitization and globalization have increased the need for firms to cooperate to offer increasingly sophisticated and flexible value propositions that can create value for diverse groups of customers. For this reason, many sectors are seeing the emergence of business ecosystems, a new type of market where groups of firms from different sectors and with complementary know-how collectively contribute to a focal value proposition. The course will explore these new ecosystems, their building blocks, their competitive dynamics, and firm strategies that enable to compete sustainably in these new settings.

Team link:

B4DS ( is a joint research laboratory with members from two departments of the Engineering Schools (DESTEC and DICI). B4DS includes professors, researchers, PhD candidates and students working on cutting-edge applications in data science in the context of business management


2020-11-03 18:00:00
2020-11-03 20:00:00

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