Icgt 2020

13th International Conference on Graph Transformation

data 25 Giugno 2020 - 26 Giugno 2020  |  luogo Online L'evento si tiene in rete, consulta la pagina dell'evento
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Senzanome copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyIl 25 e 26 giugno avrà luogo "icgt 2020", la tredicesima International Conference on Graph Transformation.
Chairs: Fabio Gadducci (Università di Pisa) e Timo Keher.

La conferenza sarà trasmessa online sul canale Youtube dell'Università di Pisa.

Qui il programma completo dell'evento.

Aims and Scope

The use of graphs and graph-like structures as a formalism for specification and modelling is widespread in all areas of computer science as well as in many fields of computational research and engineering. Relevant examples include software architectures, pointer structures, state space graphs, control/data flow graphs, UML and other domain-specific models, network layouts, topologies of cyber-physical environments, and molecular structures. Often, these graphs undergo dynamic change, ranging from reconfiguration and evolution to various kinds of behaviour, all of which may be captured by rule-based graph manipulation. Thus, graphs and graph transformation form a fundamental universal modelling paradigm that serves as a means for formal reasoning and analysis, ranging from the verification of certain properties of interest to the discovery of fundamentally new insights.

The International Conference on Graph Transformation aims at fostering exchange and collaboration of researchers from different backgrounds working with graphs and graph transformation, either in contributing to their theoretical foundations or by applying established formalisms to classical or novel areas. The conference not only serves as a well-established scientific publication outlet, but also as a platform to boost inter- and intra-disciplinary research and to leeway for new ideas.

The 13th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2020) will be held in Bergen, Norway, as part of STAF 2020 (Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations). The conference takes place under the auspices of EATCS and IFIP WG 1.3. Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.


Info e Contatti:

2020-06-25 10:20:21
2020-06-26 12:20:21

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