Mathematical Models and Computational Methods for Complex Networks

Workshop di Informatica e Matematica

data 06 Giugno 2016 - 07 Giugno 2016  |  luogo Dipartimento di Informatica Largo Bruno Pontecorvo,3, 56127 Pisa PI, Italia
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Crashing water drops resemble the structure of a complex network - photo by cocoparisienne -CC0 Public DomainThe workshop is part of the interdisciplinary PRAproject by the same name between the departments of computer science and mathematics.

The University of Pisa funded the project to foster stricter collaboration between experts in Numerical Analysis, Optimization and Operations Research for the solution of complex numerical problems arising from today's networks (ITC and telecommunication, transportation, energy, economic, social). Mathematical models with network structure can be analyzed both through graph and matrix theory yielding connections between numerical linear algebra, combinatorial optimization, nonlinear optimization and Markov chains. The meaningful overlapping between these fields makes it possible to look at the same problem from different points of view obtaining better results by exploiting different kinds of techniques jointly.

The workshop brings together experts in complex networks both from the modelling and computational perspective to provide a nice overview of the state of the art in both these research directions. Confirmed invited speakers include: Michele Benzi (Emory University), Jacek Gondzio (The University of Edinburgh), Desmond J. Higham (University of Strathclyde), Carlo Mannino (Sintef ICT & University of Oslo), Van Hien Nguyen (Université de Namur), Lothar Reichel (Kent State University), Sebastian Stiller (Technische Universität Braunschweig), Francesco Tudisco (Universität des Saarlandes).

Attendance to the workshop is welcome and free of charge. Anyhow, you are required to register by sending an e-mail to the organizers providing your name, affiliation and day/days of attendance. The deadline for the registration is May 15.

More detailed information at

Photo: Crashing water drops resemble the structure of a complex network - photo by cocoparisienne -CC0 Public Domain

Info and contacts:

Giancarlo Bigi (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.)
Caterina Fenu (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.)


2016-06-06 13:23:53
2016-06-07 13:23:53

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