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Webinar "Involving students effectively – what happens and how it improves universities: international perspectives"

The Magna Charta Observatory & Global Student Forum webinar  will take place from 17,00 to 18,30 CEST (Italian time) on 19 April 2021.

The title of the webinar is Involving students effectively – what happens and how it improves universities: international perspectives

Students and scholars are central to the mission, life and success of universities. The original and new Magna Charta 2020 include them both specifically and by implication in terms of their rights and responsibilities. There is variation in how students interact with their universities across the globe. This webinar looks at the student contribution, how it happens, its benefits and what makes it particularly effective.

The event is free of charge.

To secure your attendance, please book on Eventbrite, link for your convenience:

In case you cannot find the page from this link, please go to and digit Magna Charta Observatory. When the event appears, click on it and register.

The webinar will be conducted on Zoom. Please, register on that platform to have easy access the webinar day.

The closing date for bookings is 17 April 2021.

Ultima modifica: Lun 30 Nov -1 - 00:00

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