Excerpt from the Rector's decree n. 54632 – 27/10/2017


Call for the selection of n. 21 Junior Research Fellows

(Under the Italian Law 240/2010 article 24, subparagraph 3, point b)

The University of Pisa announces a call for 21 Junior Fixed-Term Research Fellows for the Departments and the scientific areas or sectors as listed in Annex A.

The fixed-term contract is to carry out research activities, teaching, integrative teaching activities and services for students, for a 350 hours commitment, on a full-time basis.  

The Junior Research Fellow is required to perform lectures for 60 hours per academic year, with a 10% variability, allocated as an institutional assignment for Bachelor’s and Master's degree programmes, Specialization Schools and PhD programmes.   It is possible to provide a further 10% extra derogation, up to a maximum of 72 hours, in order to avoid an excessive partitioning of teaching modules.


Contract duration: 3 years

Gross annual salary: € 34.898,06

Deadline for application: 27/12/2017


Admission requirements:

PhD or equivalent academic qualification awarded in Italy or abroad and recognised as eligible for admission.

As for a qualification awarded abroad, equivalency or comparability documentation has to be provided as stated under:

D.Lgs.165/2001, article 38: http://www.funzionepubblica.gov.it/sites/funzionepubblica.gov.it/files/modulo_equivalenza_Titoli_Accademici.pdf  

Or under:

D.P.R. 382/1980, article 74: http://hubmiur.pubblica.istruzione.it/alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/bc950609-e26d-4ca1-b222-ac8bdbe5dda0/Equipollenza_Dottorato_ricerca_dpr382.pdf  

As for an equivalent or comparable academic qualification, the candidate shall be admitted within the application’s deadline and shall provide the qualification equivalency or comparability before the signing of the contract.

No admission to this selection for:

·   Professors or Research Fellows with permanent position at the university, currently employed or currently retired;

·   Fixed-term Research Fellowship or Post PhD research grants at the University of Pisa or other Italian universities, either public, private or online, and other public institutions ( Under the Italian Law Italian Law n. 240/2010, articles 22 and 24) for a period that, totalled over this contract, would exceed 12 years altogether, even when not consecutive. As for the duration of the working period mentioned above, parental leave or medical leave, are excluded (under the existing legislation).


The application should be compiled according to the TEMPLATE in Annex B and addressed to:




56126 PISA

Codice bando (Selection code) RIC2017a4

If applying for more than one scientific areas or sectors, it is mandatory to submit separate applications

At the candidate’s discretion, the application can be:

·   personally delivered to the Sezione Protocollo of the University of Pisa, Lungarno Pacinotti, 44 – Pisa (Monday to Friday 9.00 - 13.00 and Tue/Thu 9.00-13 and 15-17.00);

·   sent by registered post;

·   forwarded by the Italian certified e-mail system address ( P.E.C. Posta Elettronica Certificata): protocollo@pec.unipi.it

The application will be registered according to the incoming University Protocol's date, regardless of the date of dispatch or forward. If received after the deadline, the application will not be accepted.


For further information, please contact:

Unità Programmazione e Reclutamento del Personale

Lungarno Pacinotti 44, 56126 Pisa,

fax 050-2210661, concorsi@adm.unipi.it


The application shall include:

·   A Curriculum (in Italian) of the personal didactics, teaching and scientific activities, self-attested using the TEMPLATE in Annex C;

·   A list of Qualifications, if eligible for the admission

·   The Publications the applicant considers eligible for this selection, including PhD final thesis. The number of publications shall not exceed what stated in Annex 1. A corresponding list shall be annexed;

·   A list of all candidate’s Publications;

·   A copy of applicant's tax code (1) and identity card or passport;

All documents, including the Curriculum and the list of Publications and qualifications, shall contain the date and the applicant's signature.



Selection procedure:

A Rector's Decree will appoint the Selection Committee, consisting of three members.

The selection will be made according to a preliminary assessment of the candidates with an accurate and evidenced analytic evaluation of the Curriculum, of qualifications and scientific results, including PhD thesis.

After the preliminary assessment, the candidates that have comparatively proven to be the most meritorious, will be admitted to an open interview; they will represent between 10 and 20 % of the total and will be not less than six. The interview will concern applicant's qualifications and scientific results. In the event the number of applicants is six or less, all candidates are admitted. All admitted candidates will be summoned by registered post at least twenty days before the interview; the failed attendance to the interview will be considered as a voluntary renunciation.

During the interview, all candidates will be furthermore tested on the foreign language skills requested by the selection.

The candidates living abroad and therefore unable to attend the interview at the University of Pisa, will be allowed to be interviewed via the web or a conference call, prior applicant's identification by approved international universities or research centres and upon the Selection Committee approval.

The Selection Committee is appointed to establish the duly examination of the candidates and shall acquire each candidate's copy of an identity card or passport.

Please note that the English version is given as a matter of courtesy, for the only purpose of information. It cannot be legally used in the event of a dispute or a claim arising from the interpretation of this translation and concerning the contents, a possible uncertainty, contradiction or discrepancy. Should this occur, the Italian version of the call shall prevail as the only valid. For full Italian text see: https://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/ricercat/ricercator/index.htm


(1)   If applicable









Annex (A)


Selection code A_1


Department of Biology


Admission Examination Sector: 05/ A1 Botany

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: BIO/02 Systematic Botany


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

E volution of and relationships among land plants; in particular, it will be undertaken through the acquisition, synthesis and compared analysis of population, reproductive biology, cytogenetic, and phytochemical data, which may be obtained also from floristic surveys in the field. Comparative phylogenetic analysis and suitable statistical tools will be used to process the data


Scientific productivity :

P ublication of scientific papers in international journals, the presentation of research results in national and International conferences as a speaker, the participation in national and international research projects


Head office:

Department of Biology


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The didactic work will be carried out within the subjects pertinent to sector BIO/02; it will consist of lectures, practical classes and laboratory workshops for students, according to the provisions of the next didactic planning. Supervision of near-graduates and doctoral candidates, as well as seminar presentations, are expected tasks


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_2


Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Admission Examination Sector: 10 /D1 Ancient history


Disciplinary Scientific Sector: L-ANT/2 Greek history



Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

the studies of the history and antiquities of Greek world from the origins to the end of the ancient age, referring to all the regions involved in hellenization or interacting with them, and to the various fields of historiographic investigation, using appropriate instruments and research methods, including epigraphy and other disciplines concerning Greek-language documents, the exegesis of sources, in particular the historiographical ones, the historical geography, and the economic and social history


Scientific productivity:

P roduction of books and articles; organization of conferences


Head office:

Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

T eaching at the BA courses (institutions) and at the MA courses (Greek epigraphy)


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of   English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_3


Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Admission Examination Sector: 11 /A5 Demography, ethnography a nd anthropology


Disciplinary Scientific Sector: M-DEA/01 Demology, e thnology and anthropology



Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

Topics and methods of ethno-anthropological research, with a focus on most recent theoretical and methodological perspectives in this field of studies; more particularly on demological studies, concerning the cultural life of subaltern classes in modern Western societies


Scientific productivity:

P ublication of at least one monographic work or (alternatively) at least three articles on journals or edited volumes, as well as the participation in conferences and seminars concerning research topics


Head office:

Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Cultural Anthropology courses


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of   English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_4


Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Admission Examination Sector: 11 /D2 Methodologies of t eaching, special education and

educational r esearch


Disciplinary Scientific Sector: M-PED/03 Methodologies of teaching a nd special education



Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

Theoretical and empirical scientific activity of a pedagogical and didactical type, particularly in the training of teachers. Research activities in Special pedagogy and in special didactics for people with disabilities and problems of social and cultural integration


Scientific productivity:

Publications on subjects pertaining the activity of research


Head office:

Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching of pedagogical and didactical disciplines and of Special Pedagogy with priority for those related to the teacher’s formation


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of   English or French language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_5


Department of Economics and Management


Admission Examination Sector: 13/A1 Economics

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: SECS-P/01 Economics


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

The subjects contained in the Declaration of the SSD SECS-P01, with particular reference to consumer, firm, and markets theories and general equilibrium; the macroeconomic analysis of real, monetary and financial markets; the theory of real and monetary international economics; growth and business cycles theories


Scientific productivity:

Publications in national and international journals, participation and presentations in congresses and workshops


Head office:

Department of Economics and Management


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching courses in the field of Economics which are offered by the Department of Economics and management


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications








Selection code A_6


Department of Economics and Management


Admission Examination Sector: 13/B1 Business Administration and Accounting Studies

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: SECS-P/07 Business Administration and Accounting Studies


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

S tudy of the main organization constituents and of the factors contributing to the long-term economic development of companies considering profit and no-profit organizations including public administrations


Scientific productivity:

Publications with national and international relevance, participations and presentation in conferences and workshops


Head office:

Department of Economics and Management


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching courses in the field of business administration activated by the Department of Economics and Management


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications










Selection code A_7


Department of  Economics and Management


Admission Examination Sector: 13/B2  Management


Disciplinary Scientific Sector: SECS-P/08  Management


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Topics that belong to the Declaration of the SSD SECS P/08, with special reference to the corporate management (manufacturing and services), considering the company as a whole as well as its functional departments. Special attention will be dedicated to the entrepreneurial and management decisions and the relationships between the company and the competitive setting, for companies of whatever size


Scientific productivity:

International publications in highly ranked journals. Other publications at national and international level


Head office:

Department of Economics and Management


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching courses in the field of SSD SECS P/08


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications









Selection code A_8


Department of Pharmacy


Admission Examination Sector: 0 3/C1 Organic Chemistry

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Development of new efficient and sustainable synthetic methodologies, based also on regio- and stereoselective approaches, for the realization of biologically active compounds in view of their possible therapeutic application


Scientific productivity:

Dissemination of the results to the scientific community through publications in peer-reviewed international journals, presentation of the results in national and international meetings, filing of patents


Head office:

Department of Pharmacy


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Courses in the field of Organic Chemistry for training activities of the sector for the Bachelor and Master's degree courses of the University of Pisa


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications










Selection code A_9


Department of  Philology, Literature and Linguistics


Admission Examination Sector: 10 /L1 English a nd Anglo-American Languages, Literatures And Cultures

Disciplinary Scientific Sector:   L-LIN/12 Language a nd Translation English


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

The successful candidate will be active in the area of metalinguistic analysis of English at synchronic and diachronic levels and in the different registers of the oral and written communication; s/he will also do research on translation theory and practice, at the written and oral levels of the language, and in all the relevant specifications, including non-literary and generic translation, and translation for specific purposes


Scientific productivity:

Scholarly publications in the above mentioned fields, Conference presentations, participation in national and international research projects


Head office:

Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Courses of English for Special Purposes at BA and MA level


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 15 scientific publications








Selection code A_10


Department of  Philology, Literature and Linguistics


Admission Examination Sector: 10 /M2 Slavic studies

Disciplinary Scientific Sector:   L-LIN/21 Slavic studies


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

The successful candidate will do research on the l iterary works written in Russian as well as on the authors writing in that language. The research methodologies s/he will adopt can include textual criticism, palaeography, linguistics and literary criticism,; s/he will analyze texts in the original contextualize the text’s linguistic features historically and typologically


Scientific productivity:

Scholarly publications in the above mentioned fields, Conference presentations, participation in national and international research projects


Head office:

Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Russian literature and language at BA and MA levels


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of Russian language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 15 scientific publications









Selection code A_11


Department of Physics


Admission Examination Sector: 02/C1 Astronomy, astrophysics, earth and planetary physics

Disciplinary Scientific Sector :   FIS/05 Astronomy a nd astrophysics


Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

Studies about the issues included in the list of arguments associated with the Disciplinary Scientific Sector FIS/05


Scientific productivity:

Publications on international journals and contributions to conferences


Head office:

Department of Physics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Basic physics courses for degrees in science and technology; astrophysics courses for the degree in physics


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications

It is suggested to include a complete list of the publications and a report on the scientific activity.








Selection code A_12


Department of Informatics  


Admission Examination Sector : 01/B1 - Informatics

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: INF/01 Informatics


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Research activities in the fields of the academic discipline INF/01 “Informatics”


Scientific productivity:

Contributions to the progress of the state of art in Computer Science by means of international level publications


Head office:

Department of Informatics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The duties of the role inlcude delivering teaching to all levels of students (undergraduate and graduate) of the academic discipline INF/01 – Informatics


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications










Selection code A_13


Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI)


Admission Examination Sector: 08 /A3 Infrastructural and transportation engineering, real e state appraisal and i nvestment valuation

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: ICAR/04 Roads, railways and airports


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Theories and techniques for design, construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, railways and airports. Analysis, experimental observation and interpretation, even by numerical models, of the mechanical behavior of materials used for construction of embankments, pavement structures and tracks, with particular regard to innovative and recycled materials that can foster the sustainable development and the circular economy, including the study of the related production processes


   Scientific productivity:

Scientific activity involves the participation to international research projects and contracts founded by public or private bodies, the preparation of scientific articles for publication in international journals and presentation at international conferences


Head office:

Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI)


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Co-teaching in the course “Foundamentals of Road Engineering” within the Bachelor degree in Civil, Environmental and Buildings Engineering; additional teaching and student assistance in the other courses pertaining to SSD ICAR/04


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_14


Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI)


Admission Examination Sector: 09/D2 Systems, methods and technologies of chemical a nd process engineering

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: ING-IND/26 Analysis, design a nd control of chemical processes


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Development of models of industrial processes starting from fundamental chemical and physical aspects, by making use of statistical and mathematical methods to perform the simulation of dynamical behavior of equipments and processes. The final objective of this research activity is the optimization of the design of equipment and processes and of the control system able to guarantee specifications on the product quality, plant competitiveness, safety, environmental constraints and to carry out a complete monitoring of plant performance and of their evolution in time


  Scientific productivity:

Scientific activity involves the participation to international research projects and contracts founded by public or private bodies, the preparation of scientific articles for publication in international journals and presentation at international conferences


Head office:

Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI)


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The teaching commitment will consist in the SSD ING-IND/26 and related sectors in the degree courses and master's degree of the Pisa School of Engineering and other Departments; it can also include the involvement in postgraduate, master and postgraduate courses


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_15


Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Construction Engineering


Admission Examination Sector: 09/B3 Business and management e ngineering

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: ING-IND/35 Business a nd management engineering


Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

The domain of research includes issues of design of management processes, of organizations, of management systems and business operations (manufacturing, logistics, marketing, quality), economics and management of innovation, productivity analysis, management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), relationship with the market.

In general, the research domains is defined with respect to the topics included in the official description of the scientific sector (“Settore scientifico disciplinare”, SSD) Management Engineering


Scientific productivity:

The scientific activity will result in participation to national and international research projects, publication of articles in international and indexed journals, presentation of paper to national and international scientific conferences. Scientific production must be consistent with the reference to the SSD ING-IND 35


Head office:

Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Construction Engineering


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching activity will take place within the courses provided by teachers in the ING-IND 35 sector. It will consist in lectures and classroom support activities with students, depending on the official planning of courses. Supervision of undergraduate and PhD dissertations. The total amount of time devoted to overall teaching activities is regulated by the University of Pisa


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications



Selection code A_16


Department of Information Engineering


Admission Examination Sector: 09/G2 Bioengineering

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: ING-INF/06 Electronic and i nformatics bioengineering


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Study and development of basic methodologies concerning the modeling of physiological systems (from cellular components to apparatus and organs), and cell and tissue engineering


Scientific productivity:

Scientific publications in International ISI journals with high impact factor in the field of Engineering, with particular focus on Biomedical Engineering. Dissemination of the research to International conferences/workshops with high scientific profile


Head office:

Department of Information Engineering


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The candidate will have teaching activities in the basic methodologies concerning the modelling of physiological systems, and in cell and tissue engineering


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications










Selection code A_17


Department of Mathematics


Admission Examination Sector: 01/A3 Mathematical analysis, p robability and statistics

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: MAT/05 Mathematical analysis


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

All the branches of mathematical analysis, including harmonic, convex, functional, linear and non-linear analysis, calculus of variations, theory of real and complex functions, analytic number theory


Scientific productivity:

Writing of papers having an interest in the realm of mathematical analysis and suitable for publication in generalist or specialized journals at a national or international level


Head office:

Department of Mathematics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching of courses having as a topic the basics of mathematics, in any degree program of the university, and of advanced courses of mathematical analysis topic in the first degree and master programs in mathematics


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications








Selection code A_18


Department of Mathematics


Admission Examination Sector: 01/A5 Numerical analysis

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: MAT/08 Numerical analysis


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Study, from both a theoretical and an applied viewpoint, of Numerical analysis and of the techniques employed to perform numerical and graphical calculations, even by means of electronic computers, including vectorial and parallel ones, and, more generally, of all the varieties of the computational aspects of mathematics


Scientific productivity:

Writing of papers having an interest in the realm of numerical analysis and suitable for publication in generalist or specialized journals at a national or international level


Head office:

Department of Mathematics


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching of courses having as a topic the basics of mathematics, in any degree program of the university, and of advanced courses of numrerical analysis topic in the first degree and master programs in mathematics


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications








Selection code A_19


Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences


Admission Examination Sector: 07/ A1 Agricultural economics and appraisal 

Disciplinary Scientific Sector  AGR/01 Agricultural economics and rural appraisal


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

The research will focus on the economic, policy, and management aspects of production, processing, distribution, marketing and consumption of the primary products (agriculture, silviculture and fishery), on its relationship with other components of socioeconomic and environmental system


Scientific productivity:

Scientific articles in international journals; participation to national and international congresses; participation to national and international projects


Head office: 

Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

Teaching activities concerning the disciplines related to the SSD AGR/01


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications










Selection code A_20


Department of  Political Sciences


Admission Examination Sector: 14/B2  History o f i nternational r elations a nd o f n on- e uropean s ocieties a nd i nstitutions


Disciplinary Scientific Sector: SPS/06 History of international relations


Nr. of position available: 1


Focus of research:

Research on the scope of scientific sector SPS 06 with particular attention to the themes related with the History of International Relations since the First World War to the present day using the discipline’s methodological instruments. As part of the research tradition in SPS06 at the Department of Political Science of Pisa University, the researcher shall demonstrate particular competence in teaching and research on treaties history, history of European integration, history of political relations between North America and Europe


Scientific productivity:

Publications of significant level within the field of research; paper presentations at national and/or international conferences


Head office:

Department of Political Sciences


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The teaching commitment will cover the degree courses in the Department for SPS/06


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language


Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications






Selection code A_21


Department of Veterinary Sciences


Admission Examination Sector: 07/ H4 Veterinary clinical m edicine and Veterinary Pharmacology

Disciplinary Scientific Sector: VET/08 Veterinary clinical medicine


Nr. of position available: 1

Focus of research:

Scientific and didactic-educational activity concerning the following (according to declaratoria del ssd Vet 08): small animal and equine veterinary clinics, medical semiotics, clinical activity and veterinary legislation, etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of the main veterinary diseases; with particular emphasysis towards veterinary nephrology


Scientific productivity:

Publication of scientific papers in index journals and presentations at national and international meetings


Head office:

Department of Veterinary Sciences


Specific didactic activity of the contract:

The candidate shall carry out theoretical and practical teaching activities for students in these courses:  Internal Medicine and therapy in small animals and horses (Veterinary Medicine Degree); Zooanthropology (TAAEC Degree);  Veterinary legislation (Animal Production and Technology Degree);   Seminars on small animal internal medicine in Postgraduate School: Clinical pathology of small animals 


Candidates will be required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of English language

Candidates may present a maximum number of 12 scientific publications







                       Annex B

Application form - TEMPLATE





56126 PISA

Codice Bando (Selection code) RIC2017a4


I, the undersigned (name and surname)……………………………… …………………. Born in ………… …………………….

On ………/…………/………. Resident in ………………………………… ………………………………… …………..(Country)

Permanent address……………………………… ………………….……………… …postcode …………………………… ;………………….

Ask to be admitted to the selection for 21 Junior Research Fellows (Under the Italian Law 240/2010 article 24, subparagraph 3, point b) at the Department of _______________________________________________________________

For the area____________________________

Scientific sector__________________________

Code __________________________________ (fill in with the code given in Annex A)


To that end, I declare

That my tax/fiscal code is ________________________________________________ (2)

That my current address is ________________________________________________

Post code______________________ Country _________________________________

tel. ____________________________________


That I have a PhD/Medical Specialty School qualification (if applying for the medical area, according to the chosen area) in _______________________________________________ conferred on ---/---/------

at (University) __________________________________________

When the PhD/ Medical Specialty School qualification was awarded abroad:

·   Find here in attach the declaration of equivalent academic qualification


·   I declare that I will provide any certification or declaration of equivalent academic qualification before signing the contract in case of a successful result in the competition

·   That my citizenship is __________________________________________________

·   That I am in possession of all political and civil rights in my country

·   That I have no charges of penal sentences

·   That I have physical fitness to work

·   Military service _________________ (3)

·   That I have never been removed from public office in any circumstance

·   That I am not currently employed as a Professor or a Research Fellow

·   That I have been employed as a fixed-term Research Fellow or with a Post PhD research grants at the University of Pisa or other Italian universities, either public, private or online, and other public institutions (Under the Italian Law n. 240/2010, articles 22 and 24) for a period that, totalled over this contract, would not exceed 12 years altogether, even if not consecutive.

·   That I am informed that the contract cannot be concluded in the event of my relationship up to the fourth degree or in case of marriage, to any of the Departments professors or directors, or to the University Rector, the General Director or an Administration Board member.

·   I give my consent to the University of Pisa for the processing of my personal data.

Please find here, attached to my application:

1.   A self-attested Curriculum (in Italian) of the personal didactics, teaching and scientific activities, dated and signed;

2.   A list of qualifications, dated and signed;

3.   The Publications I consider eligible for this selection;

4.   The corresponding list dated and signed;

5.   A complete list of all Publications, dated and signed;

6.   A copy of the fiscal code (2) and identification card/passport, dated and signed;


By completing this form, I declare that I am aware that Law will prosecute any false declaration.

I undertake to communicate any variation of the above data and release the University of Pisa from any responsibility in case of inaccuracies or mistakes about the address, telephone or email details or late notices about variations.

Date_______________________________ signature____________________________



(2)  If applicable

(3)   Mandatory for Italian citizens only








                       Annex C

Self-declaration in lieu of affidavit - TEMPLATE

(Under DPR 445/2000 Articles. 19 and 47)


I, the undersigned _________________________________________________________________

Born in _______________________________________________ on (DOB) _____________________

Residency _________________________________________________________________________


Post code_______________


Fully aware of the penal responsibilities in the event of false declaration (under DPR 445/2000,articles 75 and 76) I hereby declare that all the information in my scientific and professional Curriculum are real and exact and that all the documents produced are true copies of the originals.















Ultimo aggionamento documento: 06-Dec-2017