ERCIM 25th Anniversary and Fall meetings

Meeting of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics

data 24 Ottobre 2014 - 25 Ottobre 2014  |  luogo Area della ricerca CNR Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1, 56127 Pisa PI, Italia
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The 25th ERCIM anniversary and the ERCIM fall meetings will be held at the CNR Campus in Pisa on 23-24 October 2014.

On the occasion of ERCIM's 25th anniversary, a special session and panel discussion will be held on 23 October in the afternoon in the auditorium of the CNR Campus. Speakers and representatives from research, industry, the European Commission, and the ERCIM community will be invited to present their views on research and future developments in information and communication science and technology.

In conjunction with these events, CNR is also hosting the fourth ERCIM ABCDE Fellowship Seminar.

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Info e Contatti:

2014-10-24 20:00:00
2014-10-25 22:00:00

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