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Corso di laurea magistrale

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The Master program in Materials and Nanotechnology, part of the LM-53 class, has the aim to train graduates with strong skills in the context of greater industrial interest advanced materials (polymers, metals, ceramics, composites and biomaterials) and materials and metamaterials for electronics and photonics, with particular attention to the application of nanotechnology. To this end, the degree course is divided into two curricula: "Advanced Materials" and "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology". The first is more oriented towards the use of materials in the manufacturing industry, while the latter is mainly directed to the development and use of materials and metamaterials nanostructured devices for electronic and photonic components, and also for biosensor applications. The training program is structured to provide students with a solid basic understanding of the physical, chemical, mechanical and electrical properties of materials, the methods by which these properties can be engineered on even nanometer scale to get certain features and functionality, and then the manner in which these properties can be exploited in the context of industrial and engineering applications processes. To accomplish this aim, the offered courses combine a solid training in engineering and technology and in the physics and chemistry of materials. The academic program includes a variety of educational activities, which include frontal lessons, seminar activities, frequency of laboratories. It concludes with the preparation of an original thesis, experimental or theoretical, to be submitted to public discussion. In the spirit of a multidisciplinary degree program, the curriculum includes a common first year with 36 CFU of specific subjects that include both materials science and engineering oriented to provide students with a common language and tools of analysis to tackle a wide variety of issues that concern the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and engineering of specific functions in materials. Students then have the option to choose an additional 18 credits in supplementary and complementary disciplines, to choose from a wide range of possibilities, which allow the student to define its specialization in research and development on materials for applications in a variety of areas including for example the chemical, mechanical, biomedical, electronic, optical and telecommunications. In the second year the study plan is divided into the two curricula: "Advanced Materials" and "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology". The lessons will be taught in English by professors of the Departments involved and of the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS). The educational contribution of SNS in terms of teachers, scholarships, classrooms, laboratories and logistics facilities is defined by an agreement between the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS). The degree program is interdepartmental in its nature while the course management will be the responsibility of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering.

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