Contribution for housing rental expenses incurred by off-site students for the year 2023

The Ministry of University and Research (MUR) has published a decree regulating, pursuant to the provisions of Law 178 of December 30th, 2020 and Law 197 of December 29th, 2022, the disbursement of a contribution for housing rental expenses incurred by off-site students, during the year 2023.

The University of Pisa, according to the provisions of the ministerial decree, issued a Call aimed at identifying the "beneficiaries entitled to the contribution," which will be communicated to the MUR.
The Ministry, as specified in the decree, will determine the due amount to each University, in relation to the available resources (4 million euros) and to the total number of eligible beneficiaries communicated by each University.

All students regularly enrolled at the University of Pisa and meeting the Call’s established requirements may apply.

Application deadline: August 7th, 2023 by 1 p.m.



D.R. No. 1231/2023
Prot. No. 94466 /July 7th, 2023 (in Italian)

In Italian

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In Italian

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In Italian



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