
The University of Pisa protects and promotes results deriving from the research activities of its employees and collaborators. It is home to a commission of experts for the valuation of inventions, and a consultancy advising on intellectual property issues and internal regulations, aimed at encouraging and fostering relations with the world of industry, and also on the use of technologies patented by the University.

Since 2003, the year in which patenting support work at our University was given official recognition, the University of Pisa has developed a portfolio which includes:

118 Italian patent applications filed, of which 98 patents granted;

129 foreign patent applications

  • 32 European Patents (14 granted)
  • 16 US applications (9 granted)
  • 12 non-US and non-EU foreign applications (8 granted)

(data last updated on 31.12.2022)

Consult the updated University of Pisa patents list.

Ultima modifica: Mer 26 Lug 2023 - 08:53

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