Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Construction Engineering
School of Engineering University of Pisa
May 30th – June 11th 2016
The goal of the school is to increase the ability of new entrepreneurs to transform ideas into viable, sustainable and scalable businesses, building up resilience with respect to market turbulence. This implies building up robust business foundations, based on a thorough understanding of strengths and weaknesses.
In this perspective some of the old-fashioned concepts and dilemmas (or myths) surrounding the creation of innovative startups (such as venture capital yes/no, business angels yes/no etc.) will be shown to lack consistency.
The school teaches advanced engineering methods for the design and industrial development of products, for which the prototype phase can be accelerated.
The target population is comprised of undergraduate students, graduate students, PhDs and post-docs, as well as industrial researchers and entrepreneurs, wishing to develop an innovative product in an existing or new company. The target is defined in terms of hard-science, or manufacturing based innovations, i.e. those new products which require some physical testing (with exclusion of Apps or similar kinds of innovative services).
Main contents
The School is based on advanced teaching methods based on direct experimentation and teamwork.
The main contents are defined as follows:
• Methods for technology forecasting, roadmapping, scouting of technologies, competitive profiling and competitive intelligence based on advanced patent analysis and algorithms;
• Tools for strategic planning of innovative activities;
• Theory, application and real-world case study development of the business model and the business plan of the proposed innovation
• Construction and testing of a physical embodiment of the proposed innovation, in particular with respect to the mechanical and electronic parts, in order to prepare a fully working prototype for presentation to potential investors
• Planning and testing of market research, or laboratory test, or field research, aimed at reducing market uncertainty with respect to the success of the innovation, while keeping the cost of market test under control.
Course directors
• Prof. Andrea Bonaccorsi | DESTeC | University of Pisa
• Prof. Gualtiero Fantoni | DICI | University of Pisa
Scientific and organizing committee
• Prof. Andrea Bonaccorsi | DESTeC | University of Pisa
• Prof. Gualtiero Fantoni | DICI | University of Pisa
• Gabriele Montelisciani | DICI | University of Pisa
• Leonello Trivelli
• Simona Pira
• Filippo Chiarello
• Rosini Niccolò
• Andrea Bonaccorsi, UNIPI
• Pasquale Fedele, Founder and CEO - Brain Control, Italy
• Silvestro Micera, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
• Gualtiero Fantoni, UNIPI
• Leonardo Zangrando, Pretotype it!, USA-Italy
• Gabriele Montelisciani, UNIPI
• Leonello Trivelli, UNIPI
• Daniele Mazzei, Zerynth, Italy
• Carmelo De Maria, FabLab Pisa, UNIPI
• Ray Garcia, CEO, Buoyant Capital, USA
• Fabio Ancarani, Bologna Business School, Italy
• Andrea Pontremoli, CEO Dallara, Italy
• Riccardo Apreda, Errequadro, Italy
• Karlheinz Steinmuller, Z-Punkt, Germany
• Eleni Chiuoutakou, Fabio Perini SpA, Italy
• Pier Bardoni,, Italy
The Summer School provides 80 hours articulated in open lectures and teamwork. Tutors will assist the students during all the activities.
The Summer School provides for the recognition of 6 ECTS.
600,00 Euros covering meals during the course and teaching materials.
A minimum of 10 participants is required for the Summer School activation.
The application form must be filled out in all its parts and sent by e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. together with a CV and an ID Document copy before April 30th.
Candidates will be notified of acceptance by May 7th.
Selected participants have to pay the fees in full by May 12th.
Participants are asked to pay by bank transfer to the account:
DESTEC - Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Construction Engineering
Bank Name: Banca di Pisa e Fornacette
IBAN: IT12Y0856270910000011156577
Causal of payment: Summer School "Advanced Innovation Methods"– Admission Fees – Name and surname of the participant
A confirmation of the wire transfer (copy of the receipt) must be submitted by e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. within May 12th.
If payment is not received within the specified deadline, University of Pisa will treat this as a rejection of its offer and the student will not be listed in the Summer School.
In case this Summer School is not activated, the amount will be refunded.
Accomodation and locations
Tips and advises for accommodation in Pisa can be found here
All lectures and activities will take place at Polo Didattico Porta Nuova, Via Padre B. Fedi, 1.
Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Organizing secretary
DESTeC | University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122 Pisa (PI) - Italy