10 years of schooling

This study option consists of 96 Foundation Course credits (CFC), with the possibility of studying a total amount of 120 credits. It is aimed at candidates with 10 years of schooling.


The learning modules are:

- 36 CFC within the Foundation Course in Humanities
- 36 CFC within the Foundation Course in Sciences
- 24 CFC from courses in Italian Language and Culture

The study option of 120 CFC must include 48 credits in Italian Language and Culture.


Tuition fees:

For the 96 FC programme: the total amount is € 7,500 + 16 (revenue stamp) in three instalments:
first instalment of € 1,016 by 15 June 2019; second instalment of € 4.000 by 30 September 2019; last instalment of € 2,500 by 30 September, 2020.

For the 120 FCC programme – total amount of € 10,000 + € 16 (revenue stamp) in three instalments:
first instalment of € 1,016 by 15 June 2019; second instalment of € 4.000 by September 30, 2019; last instalment of € 5,000 by September 30, 2020.



96 CFC option: One academic year and one semester

120 CFC option: two academic years


Official languages of teaching


Ultima modifica: Mer 07 Nov 2018 - 16:44

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