Mineral water has an exclusive socio-economic value, deriving from industrialization and commercialization processes, but also a fundamental cultural value for local populations who are using spring waters for domestic consumption on a daily basis in a different way over tim
The complexity of the water-rock interaction processes giving origin to unique water mineralization requires the adoption of multiple and integrated approaches to characterize their composition.
For this reason, the Summer School will cover different topics necessary for a comprehensive characterization of mineral and thermal waters, which include:
- hydrogeochemistry (gas and physicochemical parameters): to evaluate groundwater natural composition and assess deviations from natural baseline values;
- structural geology: to better assess the geometry of groundwater flow path;
- isotope hydrology: to trace groundwater recharge processes and age;
- hydrogeology: to identify groundwater flow paths and support geochemical pieces of evidence on water-rock interaction and mixing processes with surface water to complement vulnerability assessments;
- socio-hydrogeology: to assess the socio-economic impact of mineral and thermal waters, and to understand how to effectively translate scientific outcomes to the water users.
The school will take place in Corsica (France), a unique place for testing integrated approaches, characterized by the presence of a multi-composite geological and hydroclimatic context, giving origin to different types of thermo-mineral waters. Indeed, the Mediterranean mountainous Island of Corsica is well known as a geo-diversity hotspot. Mineral and thermal groundwater are very special water resources characterized by stable and specific geochemical characteristics in terms of dissolved ions and gaseous contents as well as stable, and most of the time, relatively high temperatures. Groundwater circulation in-depth increases the complexity and the multiplicity of groundwater pathways and provides a high diversity of water qualities with potential commercial and health benefits such as for mineral, thermal, alkaline, CO2-rich, brines, ferruginous or sulphurous waters. These processes can be even more complex in the case of long-residence-time groundwater.
Integrated geological and environmental tools are very interesting when used together because they can provide information on water origins and chemical properties, as well as an estimation of the timing of the processes.
The school will be held in collaboration with Dr. Sebastien Santoni, with the help of Dr. Emilie Garel, Dr. Thomas Leydier, and Prof. Frederic Huneau, and the support and cooperation of the University of Corsica Pascal Paoli.
It will be articulated in 5 days, according to the program available for download at the bottom of the webpage.
Students will be hosted at the University of Corsica, Corte, France. To learn more about the University of Corsica Pascal Paoli please check the following website, brochure and video.
The interdisciplinary summer school proposes a novel and integrated approach to understand the past, present, and future of water resources through the lens of structural geology, geochemistry, and socio-hydrogeology.
Thanks to hands-on field and laboratory experiences the summer school will provide participants an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the main disciplines necessary to characterize water quality and quantity and to translate this information into management proposals for the long-term protection of this resource.
After the course participants will be able to carry: plan integrated monitoring assessment, use in situ monitoring probes, correctly store and preserve samples for chemical and isotopic analyses. Participants will learn to identify the main geological structures in the study area, collect and store samples and deepen their understanding of water-rock interaction processes in mineral waters.
Who can apply
MSc students, PhD candidates and early-stage researchers in Geology, Environmental Sciences or similar fields; professionals in the related field.
Program Intensity
Admission Requirements
Being MSc students, PhD candidates and early-stage researchers in Geology, Environmental Sciences or similar fields. Being professionals in the related field.
Required Documents
- Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
- Enrolment Form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of tetanus vaccination
- Medical certificate of physical fitness
- Motivational Letter (compulsory only for those interested in the scholarship)
All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.
Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.
- The maximum number of participants is set to 15
- The school will be activated with at least 8 participants
- Eligible participants will be admitted following a first come first served rule with subsequent payment of the tuition fees.
- 1 March 2024: application deadline for the request of the scholarship
- 7 March 2024: notication of the awarding of the scholarship
- 1 April 2024: application deadline
500 euro
NOTICE: the amount includes the accommodation on site from Monday to Friday morning.
Participants will be responsible to cover their own transportation cost from their family home to INSPE Corsica (Corte) - the meeting point for the Summer School - and the cost for their visa (if needed).
Pay fees using the following form filling it with all the required data:
In case you need assistance with the payment of the fees, please write an email to the following contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
There is one available scholarship granted by the University of Pisa waivering the cost of the tuition fees.
To apply for the scholarship interested candidates should submit together with all other required documents a motivation letter explaining the relevance of the Summer School in their academic/working career.
Students interested in the scholarship have to submit their application within 1 March 2024.
Selections results will be notified by 7 March 2024.
Please write to the coordinator for further details
10 - 14 June 2024
Application Deadline
10 April 2024
NOTICE: the application deadline originally expired on 1 March 2024. The one above indicated is the new application deadline due to the postponement from 1 April 2024 to 10 April 2024 (at 11:59 pm CEST).
Prof. Viviana Re Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Dr. Maria Di Rosa Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Summer/Winter School Office Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.