European Women's Law and Gender

Unipi Team Leader: Elettra Stradella, Department of Law

The proposed European Women’s Law and Gender action (EUWONDER) addresses the topic of gender equality within the European legal order. It identifies relevant principles, regulations, and good practices; analyses their impact on both the E.U. and MS in the fields of political representation, gender violence and reproductive rights, welfare and markets; it discusses the perspectives of the integration of gender analysis at all levels of policies and regulation, with a commitment to equality and anti-discrimination, trying to promote intersectionality as a cross-cutting vision in European Law and policies (within the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025). EUWONDER aims at achieving innovative teaching, training practices and policy recommendations grounded on scientific research, enhancing the network on European Law and Gender created by the ELaN Module (JMO Action).
The Chair covers two main courses, both held over the three-year period, and enhanced by seminars held by renowed experts members of the EUWONDER Staff, open also to PhD students and involving them as discussants. It will also cover a module of a course directed to undergraduate students of all Departments (with a special attention to STEM students), a training activity aimed at high school teachers; a course aimed at University of Pisa civil servants that will be converted in a "online package" for Italian Universities; an international workshop and a final conference. A Dissemination Board will care for wide spreading of EUWONDER initiatives. Also through the website, regularly publishing EUWONDER Pills, and the Blog, managed by Columnists. The Chair holder, Elettra Stradella, is coordinator of JMO Module ELaN (2019-2022) and in charge of the first course on European Law and Gender held at the host institution. She has been President of the CUG (Equal Opportunities Committee) of the University of Pisa since 2017 to 2021, and since 2021 she is Rector’s delegate in the GEP Team, that she coordinates.

Start date: 01-10-2022

End date: 30-09-2025

EU Grant: 49.000 € 

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