Unipi Team Leader: Enrica Salvatori, Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge

There is a great need to create the right conditions for educating children and young people in digital skills. Schools need to develop tools to give children and young people the understanding they need to be able to work as digital citizens. Several European projects have begun to tackle this problem: what is presented here - SHELFIE - intends to build on what has already been done to further advance the schools of Europe in a serious, aware, responsible and effective access to the web and to the digital resources.

The overall objective of the SHELFIE project is to
- to make schools aware of what it takes to improve their digital ecosystem and that it is possible to do so even within the limits of each local situation;
- provide the schools with tools so that they can develop a digital environment for the students to acquire such knowledge that they effectively and safely can use digital devices and the internet and enhance good practices in these areas.
-to create an Online Safety Roadmap consisting of material divided into different age groups for teachers to use when working with internet safety, incorporating school management, teachers, students and parents, structured developmentally for three different age groups. This material will not be created from scratch but instead the project aims to categorise a huge amount of already existing resources out there from our different countries and then categorise them into different headings and three different age groups. The age groups are important since the needs differs a lot between them.
Six countries will take part in the project:
Leading Institution: Sweden (Malmö): Municipality Educational ICT-unit (DE)
Ireland: Dublin West Education Centre (DWEC)
Finland (Oulu): Regional Education Authority, Development Unit, (DU)
Denmark (Odense): Education Centre (UCL)
Italy (Pisa):University of Pisa (UNIPI)
Portugal (Lisbon):Teacher Training organisation (NUCLEO)

A minimum of two schools which have an association with the partner organisations, will be involved from each country and will give feedback to the work of the Intellectual Outputs.

The Shelfie project will work with:
Developing an in-depth study of the difficulties facing schools in integrating digital teaching and learning. This study will be structured in line with the SELFIE sub-divisions.

Developing an online library of resources for schools structured according to the SELFIE headings and adding one of internet safety.Each section will include a minimum of 10 proven resources in each of the 7 languages of the project partners.

An online open source facilitating searchable access to the resources for schools.

Our main target groups for the project are local, regional, national and international stakeholders; such as schools, ICT advisors, school leaders, teachers, educational authority, universities working with teacher education,politicians and other decision makers.

Eight transnational meetings will be held that incorporate:
(a) Opportunities to observe good practice in the use of digital technologies
(b) Opportunities to discuss and work with the Intellectual outputs.
(c) Meeting of representatives from partner organisations in relation to planning, monitoring, dissemination and evaluation of the development of the project.

Six Multiplier events will be held, one by each partner to make schools and stakeholders aware of what it takes to improve their digital ecosystem and present and discuss the outcomes of our Intellectual outputs; the report, the modules and the online safety roadmap on the online portal.The events will also reach out to local, regional and national stakeholders; schools, ICT advisors, school leaders and teachers and bee a part of the projects dissemination.

The associated schools will be required to participate in our common Twinspace connected to the project where they they are expected to work with our teachers in the project and exchange their experiences, try out the material from IO3 and give feedback. This will give useful input in the work with the project.

The outcomes of the project will be
A written report of an in depth study on the difficulties facing schools in integrating digital teaching and learning
An online portal will be developed, recommending and highlighting recommended practices for teachers and schools to help develop their digital capacities. This portal will contain an online library of modules tailored to their needs and an Online Safety Roadmap for the schools to use.
Increased awareness of these issues at the partners' local networks of schools, heads, teachers and other stakeholders.
The online library with resources for schools are aiming to develop a digital environment for the students to acquire such knowledge that they effectively and safely can use digital devices and the internet and enhance good practices in these areas.This online library will be divided according to the criterias under each of the six areas of SELFIE.

Coordinator: Malmö stad, Digitaliseringsenheten (Sweden)

Other participants:

Development Unit (Finland)
Committee of Dublin West Education Centre (Ireland)

Start date: 31-12-2020

End date: 30-08-2023

EU Grant: 127.876 €

Project website:

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