Small Area methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators in EU

Unipi Team Leader: Monica Pratesi, Department of Economics and Management  

Nowadays the demand for practical local data and indicators on poverty and vulnerability is lively in Europe. Among the goals of the Agenda 2030 the priority is surely to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, focusing on social cohesion and vulnerabilities due to migrations, unemployment, and general worsening of the living conditions. Multidimensionality of poverty drives to a large collection of indicators: from Laeken indicators to (un)employment rates, and subjective well-being indicators. In addition, policy making requires detailed geographical presentation of poverty in EU, as Central Governments often charge local administrations to implement such policies.The Chair on Small Area methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators in EU - SAMPIEU aims at educating students to the study of local statistics on poverty and living conditions in order to provide reliable evidence to monitor EU regional policy. It aims also at teaching how to communicate the results to local stakeholders, showing how to provide evidence to evaluate the impact of local projects co-financed by the EU funds. The academic added value of the proposal resides in the deepening of the themes treated in the curriculum in official statistics of the Master of Science in Economics of the University of Pisa. The distance-learning format used in the MOOC and the Start-up research workshop will give visibility of the project at national level and international allowing for connections with other Universities. It will be used to organize direct contact between students and local policy makers. Particularly seminars with stakeholders and tutorials with statistical officers of local and regional statistical agencies are planned and a closing event in the format of Start-up research workshop will be organized.

Start date: 01-09-2018

End date: 31-08-2021

EU Grant: 50.000 € 

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