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From Genes To Cells: A Basic Course of Molecular, Cellular and Ultrastructural Biology



Our summer school is a practical, full-immersion course covering biotechniques that can be applied to the study of several biological subjects related to cell biology, gene expression and function analysis, genotoxicity and ultrastructural observations.

The course will be divided in:

a) a theoretical part organized in lectures covering modern technologies;

b) a practical part in which participants will be hosted in the laboratories and will be directly involved in the design and execution of several experimental protocols regarding the main topics object of the lectures.


The aim of the summer school is to introduce students to get information and practice on modern approaches concerning cell biology, cytogenetics, molecular biology and ultrastructure

Who can apply

The school is open to all postgraduate students, especially to PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and senior researchers from Universities, research institutes, clinics and industries.
Undergraduate students will be also welcome.



Program Intensity



Admission Requirements

Applicants are required to present a curriculum based on scientific background (biology, medicine, natural science, physics, chemistry)

Required documents

  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form 
  • Curriculum Vitae based on scientific background (See above "Admission requirements)

All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.

Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.


  • Admission will be notified within a few day from the submission of the application via Alice portal
  • 1 March 2024: deadline for requesting the scholarship
  • 11 May 2024: application deadline
  • 17 May 2024: deadline for requesting the refund of the tuition fee




500 euro
(+ 100 euro: didactic material)

Pay fees by Debit/Credit Card or PayPal online using the following form filling it with all the required data:

Payment Form 


  • International students without Italian Tax Code: please tick the box 'Anonymous' in order to disable the field 'Italian personal ID/VAT number'.
  • Please type your NAME and SURNAME next to the pre-filled text of the field 'Reason'
  • Please pay only after receiving the admission letter
  • After receiving the admission letter, payment of the tuition fee will be due within a week and a copy of the payment receipt should be sent to Prof. Alessandra Salvetti Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


Please write to the coordinator for further details.

NOTICE: 1 March 2024 is the deadline for requesting the scholarship


1 - 13 July 2024

Application Deadline

31 May 2024

NOTICE: the application deadline originally expired on 11 May 2024. The one above indicated is the new application deadline thanks to a short reopening of the online applications, from 13 May 2024 until 31 May 2024 (at 11:59 pm CEST). 


Prof. Alessandra Salvetti Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


Summer/Winter School Office Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


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