Federico Cantini - Delegate for research promotion in Social Sciences and Humanities

Professor of Christian and Medieval Archeology at the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge
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Federico Cantini

Born in Empoli (FI) in 1973, and married with two children, Federico Cantini graduated in Medieval Archeology at the University of Siena in 1999 and obtained the PhD in Medieval Archeology in 2003. He awarded scholarships and research grants until 2009.
He became a research fellow at the University of Pisa in 2009 then associate professor in 2014 and in 2018 full professor of Christian and Medieval Archeology (Scientific area L-ANT/08) at the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge.

Institutional assignments

Professor Cantini had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: he was Deputy Head of the Degree programme in Cultural Heritage Sciences and member of the scientific Committee for Sciences of Antiquity, Philology, Literature, and Art History from 2013 to 2014. He had the responsibility for quality of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2013 to 2020. He was member of the Department Board in 2016 and president of the Communication Committee of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2018 to 2020. He took part to the Medieval Area Committee for the Excellence project of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2018 to 2022. He is president of the Specialization School in Archeological Heritage of the University of Pisa since 2019.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Cantini has continuously taught Medieval Archeology in the degree programmes in Cultural Heritage Sciences, Archeology and in the Specialization School in Archeological Heritage.
In 2001 he was awarded with the Ottone D’Assia prize for the best early work of Medieval Archeology by the SAMI (Società degli Archeologi Medievalisti Italiani). In 2011 he won the “Premio Giovani Ricercatori” (young researcher prize) assigned by the Academic Senate of the University of Pisa.
His main research activities include the following topics: Settlements and economy in Italy in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages; religious structures and burial areas; pottery in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages. He directed archeological excavations in rural and urban contexts in Tuscany and Sicily.
Professor Cantini is member of several scientific centres and societies and President of the Council for post-classical archaeologies. He was responsible of research projects funded by the Ministry of University and Research and by the University of Pisa. He was reviewer for several scientific journals and for the Ministry of University and Research. He is member of the Editorial board of several scientific journals.
His research activities have produced more than 140 papers on peer reviewed scientific journals, proceedings in national and international meetings, and monographs.

Ultima modifica: Lun 19 Dic 2022 - 13:24

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