Barbara Pacini - Delegate for Statistics Analysis

Professor of Statistics at the Department of Political Sciences
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Born in Pistoia on 11/21/1964, Professor Barbara Pacini graduated with honors in Economics and Business at the University of Florence in 1990 and obtained her PhD in Applied Statistics in 1994. In 1995 she became a university researcher at the University of Florence, in 1998 an associate professor at the University of Bologna. In 2008 she moved to the University of Pisa and since 2016 she has been a professor at the Department of Political Science.

Institutional assignments

Professor Pacini was vice president (from 2014 to 2016) and subsequently president (from 2016 to 2021) of the Master's Degree Programme in Public Administration Sciences.

Scientific and didactic activity

Professor Pacini lectured Methodological Statistics (basic and advanced) and Applied Statistics, including Quantitative Methods for Evaluation, Statistics for Marketing, Statistics for Tourism, Economic Statistics and Statistics for Financial Markets in several degree programmes. She also performed teaching activity for PhD students (Statistical Inference, Nonparametric Statistics and Causal Inference). She was a Committee member of the PhD Programme in Applied Statistics (having its administrative headquarter at the University of Florence).

The main areas of her research activity are: causal inference; statistical methods for policy evaluation (university research and training, labor policies, business policies, social policies and welfare systems); nonlinear time series analysis and financial market forecasts; nonparametric estimation methods.

Her scientific production includes articles in national and international journals, chapters in monographs, curatorships, conference and seminar proceedings. Some of her work has been published in leading journals such as Biometrics, Journal of the American Statistical Association and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.

Ultima modifica: Gio 15 Dic 2022 - 15:20

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