Corrado Priami - Delegate for research exploitation and new entrepreneurship opportunities

Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science
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Corrado Priami

Corrado Priami graduated and obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. He was post-doc at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (1996-1997), research fellow (1997-2000) and associate professor at the University of Verona (2000-2001), full professor at the University of Trento (2001-2017), visiting professor at the Stanford University (2016-2017) and since 2017 he has been professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignements

Corrado Priami was member of the Senate of the University of Verona (2001), of the Science faculty board and director of the degree programme in computer science at the University of Trento (2001-2004), of the Board of directors of the University of Trento (2004-2008) and of the Trento School of Management (2002-2007), of the High Level Expert Group for the EU DG Research on Key Technologies (2004-2005), of the CRUI committee on FP7, of EU IST-FET Advisory Board (2008-2009), of the DTU MT-LAB Scientific Advisory Board (2008-2012), of the Fondazione Veronesi Scientific Advisory Board (2013), of the SPARK Program Advisory Board at the Stanford University (2016-2017), of the Bioethical committee of the University of Pisa (2018-2023). He was founder, president of the Board of directors and CEO of The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology — COSBI (2005-2017), Chief Scientific Officer of COSBI (2017-2020) and Chief Technology Officer of Vydiant (2018-2022). He is the founder and director of SPARK Pisa (since 2017). He is member of the COSBI Scientific Advisory Board (since 2021), of the CINI national lab on Digital Health Advisory Board (since 2021), of the Vydiant Advisory Board (since 2023), of the Fondazione ISI Scientific Committee (since 2023), of the eXL Magazine Editorial Board (since 2023), of the ARTES 4.0 Executive Committee (since 2023).

Scientific and teaching activities

Corrado Priami authored more than 220 scientific papers about programming languages, bioinformatics and computational and systems biology. He gave more than 120 international talks and has been involved in more than 600 national and international dissemination events on media (press, TV and radio). He was awarded the medal conferred by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano for his scientific results concerning COSBI. He coordinated competitive (EU, PRIN, FIRB, PAT) and industrial projects for over 30 million euro and interdisciplinary groups of more than 40 researchers. He is founder and member of the steering committee of the international conference CMSB. He is project reviewer for several international bodies as EU, ERC, Medical Research Council UK, The Royal Society UK, Austrian Science Fund, BBSRC UK, Genome Canada, EU-IMI, EU Marie Curie, Ireland Science Foundation, The French National Research Agency, MUR Italia, German Ministry of Education and Research. He supervised laurea, master and PhD students and post-doc (more than 100).

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