Giovanni Paoletti - Vice Rector for Teaching

Professor of History of Philosophy at the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge
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Giovanni Paoletti was born in Pisa on 3 January 1970 and raised in Livorno. He is married, has two children and currently lives in Florence.
He has been a student of the undergraduate course at the Scuola Normale Superiore, and graduated in Philosophy at the University of Pisa in 1993.
After his obligations to perform the military service, in 2000 he obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pisa (receiving the Mirella Larizza award for the doctorate final thesis in the history of political thought, Luigi Firpo Foundation, Turin). In 2003 he obtained a further PhD in Sociology at the Institut d ‘Études Politiques in Paris (Sciences-Po).
He was awarded with a scholarship at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and later at the University of Lausanne (CH). After teaching Philosophy and History in high school for one year, in 2006 he became a university researcher in the History of Philosophy, in 2015 an associate professor and in 2019 a full professor at the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

Professor Paoletti was a member of the Scientific Commission of Area 11 in the terms 2008-2012 and 2017-2020, as well as advisor and didactics manager for the philosophical area in the high school teachers training courses (TFA, PAS) in the terms 2012-14. He was also appointed member of the TFA 2012 Examination Commission, class 37A.
He is a member of the PhD Programme Board in Philosophical Sciences at the Universities of Florence and Pisa. From 2016 to 2022 he has been President of the aggregate Degree Programme’s Council in Philosophy.

Scientific and teaching activity

Since 2006, Professor Paoletti has carried out teaching activities in several courses of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Philosophy (scientific area M-FIL).
His research activity has mainly focused on the field of the history of modern and contemporary philosophy, with particular reference to the theories of religion and history in the modern age, to political thought in the period of the French Revolution and to the relationship between philosophy and social sciences between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The study of the symbolic-imaginary ways of representing experience (of time, society, politics) is the main thread of his research.
Professor Paoletti is a member of the executive committee of the Œuvres complètes de Benjamin Constant (De Gruyter, Berlin), collaborator of the edition of the Œuvres complètes of Montesquieu (ENS Lyon, équipe de L'Esprit des lois), co-director with prof. Alfonso M. Iacono of the series “Bifronti” (ETS Pisa).

He is the author of five monographs, edited as much texts, and published about sixty articles.

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