Facts and figures

Date of foundation: 1343

Past glories: Galileo Galilei (student and professor of Mathematics)

Nobel Prize winners: Giosuè Carducci (Literature), Enrico Fermi (Physics) and Carlo Rubbia (Physics)

Fields medalist: Enrico Bombieri (Mathematics), Alessio Figalli (Mathematics)

Academic institutions

Departments: 20

Libraries: 17

Museums: 13

Number of programmes a.y. 2020/2021

Bachelor's degree programmes: 61

Master's degree programmes: 71

Long single-cycle degree programmes: 7

PhD programmes: 36

Postgraduate programmes (Specialisation Schools and Residency programmes): 49

One-year specialisation programmes: 67, including an MBA

Enrolled students a.y. 2020/2021

(last updated on 31 December 2020)

Admitted to first year: 9253

Enrolled in the first year of a Master's degrees: 3490

Enrolled in Bachelor's degrees: 49093

(The new data about students enrolled in Postgraduate Degree Programmes will be provided in June 2021)

Graduates and Postgraduates in 2020

Graduates: 7605

Phd graduates: 188

Specialisation Schools graduates: 223

One-year specialisation programmes graduates (I level): 504

One-year specialisation programmes graduates (II level): 429

Teaching and technical-administrative staff 

(last updated on 31 December 2020)

Research and teaching staff: 1518

Technical-administrative staff: 1572


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