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The Intersection of Health and Labour: The HELA Project’s Outcome

health and labour

On December 15th, a seminar entitled "The Intersection of Health and Labour: The HELA Project’s Outcome" will be hosted in room IV of the Palazzo della Sapienza. The seminar represents the concluding event of the research project funded through the Seed Funding Scheme of the Circle U. University Alliance, led by Ruben Della Pia, a PhD student in Legal Sciences.

The project involved the University of Pisa as the lead institution, along with the University of Vienna, UCLouvain, and Humboldt-Univeristät zu Berlin. It pursued an interdisciplinary study of the interrelationships between health and work, with a particular emphasis on the competencies of the European Union in these domains. The main objective was to initiate collaborative activities to enable future participation in European-level funding opportunities.

The seminar consists of two sessions: the first will delve into the competencies of the EU and EU Agencies in the fields under scrutiny. In contrast, the second will present the research results conducted by PhD students and post-Docs. This format aims to facilitate a debate on the topics addressed by considering legal, medical, engineering, sociological, and psychosocial perspectives.

Read the Programme of the seminar.

  • 11 December 2023

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