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The University of Pisa welcomes Professor Nenad Zrnic of the University of Belgrade

The Professor is a member of the Circle U. Management Board

On July 20th, the University of Pisa had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Nenad Zrnic of the University of Belgrade. Professor Zrnic met the Rector's delegates and discussed the new strategies of the university in the context of the University Alliance Circle U.

Starting next autumn, after the approval of the new proposal by the European Commission, the University of Pisa will in fact coordinate the new "Societal Engagement" Work Package 5 of the project, which in the earlier phase was coordinated by the University of Belgrade. The project promotes international exchanges for members of the entire academic community in the fields of education for entrepreneurship, inclusion, and sustainability. It also fosters financial support for initiatives based on student-developed ideas, in collaboration with local stakeholders.

Alessandra Meoni, Alessio Cavicchi, Laura Elisa Marcucci, Nenad Zrnic and Paolo Cannata.

Accompanied by the Rector’s Delegate for the promotion of entrepreneurial culture and innovation Professor Alessio Cavicchi, Zrnic had the opportunity to meet numerous colleagues from various Departments of the University of Pisa. In particular, he attended a lecture by Professor Francesca Galli on food and sustainability at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment. After that, Cavicchi took him to the Polo Tecnologico in Navacchio where, thanks to Professor Giuseppe Anastasi, Zrnic met Dr Vittorio Franchina and Professor Simone Genovesi, who illustrated the activities of the CROSSLAB.

Zrnic had also the opportunity to enjoy an informal, friendly lunch with Andrea di Benedetto, President of Polo Tecnologico in Navacchio, and Francesco Oppedisano, President of CNA, and to visit the Avanzi Centre. Here, thanks to Professors Angelo Canale and Daniele Antichi and to Dr Marco Ginanni, Zrnic could visit several experimental areas and the Unifood Centre.


In the afternoon, Cavicchi led Zrnic on a short but intense tour of the most historic and evocative premises of the University, with a visit to Palazzo della Sapienza and Palazzo Alla Giornata. After that, and together with the Rector's Delegate for orientation activities Professor Laura Elisa Marcucci, Dr Alessandra Meoni from the International Relations Office, and Paolo Cannata from the Technology Transfer Office, they had a productive meeting in the Sala Mappamondi. Zrnic showed the results achieved by the students of the University of Belgrade in the context of the challenges launched in the past years and underlined the benefits for the entire academic community deriving from participation in this Alliance. He also highlighted some important steps to be taken for a solid commitment of students, technical/administrative and teaching staff.

At the end of the meeting, Cavicchi and Zrnic were joined by Professor Giovanni Federico Gronchi, pro-rector for cooperation and international relations. This fruitful day ended with a renewed spirit of collaboration between the two universities and the entire University Alliance Circle U., looking forward to the handover of the coordination of the new WP5.

  • 2 August 2023

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