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Circle U. Seed Funding Scheme: the 2023 call is open

The objective is to provide academics, researchers and students with opportunities to develop projects across the alliance

Are you an academic, a researcher or a student at one of the 9 member universities of Circle U.? Do you have any brilliant ideas to make our alliance a reality, to contribute to our mission and vision, to involve more colleagues, students and partners? Apply for this call and secure seed funding of up to 10,000 euros to support your project.

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Here’s how it works: You can join together with partners from at least two other Circle U. universities to propose innovative projects ranging from seminars, workshops, joint modules, courses and programmes to joint research activities. If you are a student, your project could contribute to reinforcing student democracy and student engagement, disseminating Circle U. among all students, supporting new learning and training activities, or organizing cultural activities across Circle U.

The objective of the Circle U. seed funding scheme is to provide academics, researchers and students with opportunities to develop projects across the alliance, to strengthen it and to drive bottom-up initiatives. By funding smaller-scale, time-limited, bottom-up projects, we ultimately aim to facilitate the initiation of long-term collaborative activities within the alliance.

Find out more about the conditions and eligibility criteria in the call for applications available on the Circle U. website.

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  • 17 July 2023

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