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Incoming students 2021/2022: in-presence activities

In-presence incoming mobility will start under the resolution adopted by the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors on 28 June 2021. "In-presence" lectures will include the possibility of enrolled students’ attendance shifts to comply with the social distancing rules in the most attended courses.

A sign-up system will be provided to allow students the "in-presence" attendance of single courses of their study plan, up to a maximum of 60 CFU (please note that an annual course counts for half of its total CFU). This limit will prevent students from signing up for an overestimate CFU number, thus making the system ineffective.

To this aim, an App will be implemented for students to notify, every two weeks, the lectures they schedule to attend "in presence" in the following 14 days. In the event that, for a given lecture, enrolments exceed the maximum number of available places in the classroom, the App will divide students into two groups, allowing the "in-presence" lecture attendance in the first and second week respectively.  In any case, we will ensure to each student as much scheduled "in-presence" attendance as possible, as well as the online availability of each lecture carried out "in-presence" until the Covid-19 pandemic emergency persists.

University Exams
Starting from 1 September 2021, University exams will be taken "in-presence", subject to the availability of adequate venues.

Office hours for students
Starting from 1 September 2021, “in-presence” office hours are allowed only by prior scheduled request through a booking system decided by the Professor. Upon request, students will be allowed to carry out the online meeting anyway.

  • 23 July 2021

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