Vincenzo Gervasi - Delegate for the monitoring and optimisation of teaching spaces

Vincenzo Gervasi

Vincenzo Gervasi

Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science.
He graduated in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in 1993. After a period of experience in the industrial sector, he returned to the academic world to gain his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2000 and then worked as a researcher until 2014 when he became an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science. Since 2004, he has been an Honorary Associate at the University of Technology in Sydney.

Institutional roles  

Alongside his teaching and research activities, he has been active in the field of management and services, such as participating in the Presidential Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, in the Joint Committee of the Department of Computer Science, in the Management Committee of the “L. Fibonacci” Learning Hub. In 2000, along with Franco Alberto Cardillo he elaborated the software system used to manage the teaching spaces of the university. Since then he has been in charge of monitoring and optimizing the teaching spaces. Since 2012, he has been a member of the Room Committee of the university, assigned by the rector.

Teaching and research activities

Vincenzo Gervasi has carried out a variety of teaching activities in different study courses, principally in the Department of Computer Science, but also in the Departments of Mathematics, Geosciences and Philology, Literature and Linguistics as well as in the Naval Academy. He has also held doctoral courses both at the University of Pisa and abroad and he has been a supervisor or co-supervisor of eight Ph.Ds. as well as being a member of the doctoral committee for other universities. Since 2012, he has been the Director of the post-graduate course in Mobile Application Development. He also deals with scientific divulgation both in the editorial field (he is the author of five teaching manuals and dozens of informative papers), and through his participation at events such as the Internet Festival or initiatives linked to schools. He also holds professional training and refreshment courses for companies.
Vincenzo Gervasi’s research interests rotate around the cognitive aspects of Software Engineering. In this field, numerous related branches have developed which have led him to work on themes such as the processing of natural language, knowledge representation and reasoning, non monotonic logic, formal methods and specification language, and more recently techniques of artificial intelligence and automated learning. Some strands then evolved towards the definition of languages for software, software tracing and bio inspired distributed systems. The results of this research are documented in over 100 international publications. The publications are accompanied by intense organization and participation in conferences including the role of Program Chair and Steering Committee in principal conferences of the sector, as well as the participation in national and international projects and applied research projects (with contracts from third party companies).


Segreteria dei Prorettori
Palazzo Alla Giornata, Lungarno Pacinotti 43 - 56100 Pisa
tel. +39 050 2212591 - fax +39 050 2212305
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