Claudia Martini - Vice Rector for National Research

Claudia MartiniClaudia Martini
Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Pharmacy

Claudia Martini graduated ‘cum laude’ from the University of Pisa. After attending a PhD course in Neuroscience, she became a Researcher, firstly at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, and later at the University of Pisa. Subsequently, she became an Associate Professor at the University of Parma and, then, of Pisa. She has been a full professor of Biochemistry at the University of Pisa since 2000. In 1994, she carried out research at the Department of Neurological Surgery, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle (USA).

Academic roles

Professor Claudia Martini has covered various institutional roles within the University; she has been the Director of the PhD School in the “Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances”, Vice Director of the post graduated School in Clinical Biochemistry and President of the degree course in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology. From 2010 to 2016, she was a Member of the Academic Senate and, firstly, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and, then, the Director of the Department of Pharmacy. Since 2016 she has been the Coordinator of Biochemistry Full Professor Committee.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Claudia Martini’s teaching activities have been focused on Biochemistry and Neurochemistry mainly in the degree courses in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacy, but also in other degree courses: PhD and post-graduate courses in the biomedical area. Her scientific activities have been focused on the biochemistry of receptor proteins, in particular on channel and G protein coupled receptors, and on ligand-receptor interaction. These studies have highlighted different mechanisms that modulate the receptor regulation and extrasignal intracellular pathway activations till the genic control.
More recently, together with her research team, Professor Martini has been looking into cell and stem cell life/death/differentiation/de-differentiation signaling pathways, involved in aging and degenerative processes and in tumors. These research areas have been the object of research projects at national level (POR CREO 2011, 2012, ITT 2007, PRIN 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2015) and at international level (Granted European project (NMP4-CT-2006-032652, TRIGGER FP7-2013-611034) and of more than 400 publications in peer-reviewed international journals.
Over the years, Professor Martini has established important relations with research groups in Italy and internationally; she has participated in the realization and filing of numerous patents; she has contributed to the creation of the nano-biotechnological start-up company “Nano4bio srl”. Professor Martini is a member of numerous national and international scientific societies.
She is also a member of the referee panel of ACS publication, Elsevier, PLOS Journals and Nature groups, as well as the Editorial Board of Biochemical Pharmacology and of International Journal of Molecular Science.



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