Antonella Del Corso - Vice Rector for Students and the Entitlement to Study

Antonella Del CorsoAntonella Del Corso
Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biology

Antonella Del Corso was born in Leghorn in 1960. She graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Pisa in 1984 and began her research activities in the field of Biochemistry. In January 1992, she entered the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences at the University of Pisa as a researcher. She has been an associate professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Biology since 2002.

Institutional roles

Professor Antonella Del Corso was a member of the Scientific Committee Area 05 for two consecutive terms from 1998. In 2011, she was a member of the University Committee for the assignment of non-recurring bonuses to the teaching staff. From 2012 to 2015, she was the representative of the Department of Biology for Guidance and was a member of the University Guidance Committee.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Antonella Del Corso has taught numerous degree courses in the Biochemistry sector, for both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degrees. At present, she is professor of the courses in Biochemistry and Applied Biochemistry, in the degree course in Biotechnologies and the Master’s degree course in Molecular Biotechnologies, respectively. Professor Del Corso’s research activity is centred around the study of the structural and kinetic properties of enzymes, particularly enzymes involved in purine metabolism and the polyol pathway. The field of research spans from thiol dependent oxidative modification of proteins, with particular attention to the proteins of the eye lens, to the chaperone activity of alpha-crystallins, and finally to the mechanisms of aldose reductase inhibition and the metabolism of cytotoxic aldehydes. Professor Del Corso was a member of the University Teaching Board for the Ph.D. School of Molecular Biotechnologies of the University of Pisa. At present, she is a member of the Pegaso Ph.D. School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. As such, she was Supervisor for the Doctoral theses. She also acts as a reviewer for various international scientific journals, reviewed by ISI/Web of Science, and has been an advisor for MIUR in the area of Research Projects of National Interest.


Segreteria dei Prorettori
Palazzo Alla Giornata, Lungarno Pacinotti 43 - 56100 Pisa
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